Staff, Faculty & Instructors
I am so blessed to oversee the dynamic and life changing practical application of spiritual principles in ministry training and leadership development, through GATEWAY INTERNATIONAL BIBLE INSTITUTE. GIBI is not a traditional Bible School, Seminary, or College, but rather a fast track Holy Spirit filled Training Center, birthed and designed specifically for those whose strongest desire is to know Jesus Christ and to carry the gospel to all nations and generations to come.
Our Administration, Faculty, and Board of Directors are dedicated to training the future leaders of the church how to live, work and minister in the anointing of the Holy Spirit through the five-fold ministry and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
We believe Revival is at the door of our hearts and breakthrough is coming to this nation. We are seeing God’s Powerful Visitation in His body of believers. The Lord desires to reveal and release His Glory over the face of the earth and in the lives of His people, and He is bringing Transformation to His church in order to birth one of the greatest outpourings of visitation and revival the world has ever known. With this in mind, our main vision is to teach, train, and send out men and women of character and integrity as five-fold Ministry-lead ambassadors for Christ in the spirit of Revival in this 21st Century.
GIBI is a place where you can increase your knowledge and gain a deeper more personal and passionate experience with the Lord Jesus Christ. We will provide you with fresh perspectives on how to minister, evangelize, reach, and teach others of God’s life-changing power. This training is not just for those seeking full-time ministry within the confines of the local church or on the mission field, but also for those wanting to be used of God in the marketplace. GIBI is a place you can develop, grow, and be saturated in the life giving refreshing water of His Word, where our anointed instructors release the Now word of the Lord to the Body of Christ and are some of the most brilliant five-fold ministry leaders in the world! You will be empowered to find and fully experience your life purpose and destiny. Answer the call and become a laborer in the harvest field. Make a decision to enter the race and run towards your God given dreams, visions and goals. Reach for your high calling in Christ Today!
Blessings in your new spiritual adventure at GIBI,
Dr. Brian W. Alton, Chancellor
E-Mail: drbrianaltongibi@gmail.com

Pastor Dee Gyder, Administrative Assistant

Pastor Janet Pace, Finance Administrator
Pastor Janet Pace walks in an array of ministry giftings with professionalism gained through practical experience in Ministry and the Marketplace. She serves GIBI as the Finance Administrator as well as Pastor and Teacher. She passionately reaches out to her sphere of influence with the heart and anointing of the Evangelist in such settings as men’s and women’s state and federal prisons, Arizona State Veterans Home, Phoenix and Prescott Alzheimer’s facilities as well as several countries on the mission field. Other expressions of Janet’s faith are demonstrated through her singing and songwriting and she released her first CD entitled "The Light setting the captives free."
One of her favorite scriptures is found in Deuteronomy 28:1-14 with a keynote of VS 2: "All these blessings will come upon you and accompany you if you obey the LORD your God."
E-Mail: pastorjanetgibi@gmail.com
Pastor Dee is an Alumni of Gateway International Bible Institute and was ordained as a Pastor in 2008. God led her to become part of the GIBI team many years ago when the college was in its infant years and has had the privilege of helping grow the school into a thriving Accredited Ministerial Training Institute that is reaching the community, this nation, and the nations of the world.
Pastor Dee has a heart to minister and help grow the potential of each individual student that attends GIBI, in whatever direction or calling a student decides to pursue whether in the church setting, marketplace or in the community. It is her desire to see God’s people learning, growing, and walking in the fullness of their calling, purpose, and destiny!
God first brought her to Desert Rose Community Church in the early 2000’s. During her time there she has had the opportunity to minister in many different areas such as Nursery, children’s Church, Director of the Food Pantry, Decorating, Hospitality, Wedding Coordinator, Missions, Worship Team, Intercessory Prayer Team, Ministry of Helps, Personal Armor Bearer to the Senior Pastors and Administration for DRCC, GIBI and ICALM just to name a few.
Currently as Administrative Assistant for GIBI she works closely with and ministers to the needs of our Chancellor, College Students, Instructors, Faculty and Board of Directors.
Pastor Dee’s favorite scripture is: “With my whole heart have I sought YOU, inquiring for and of You and yearning for You: Oh, let me not wander or step aside either in ignorance or willfully] from your commandments. Your word have I laid up in my heart, that I might not sin against You.” Psalm 119: 10, 11 AMP
Email: pastordeegibi@gmail.com
Our Instructors are Spirit-Filled and Cutting Edge in their giftings and impartation. The Five-Fold Ministry is ALIVE and functioning in these classes, as students receive the meat of the Word in simply designed lessons. GIBI's sensitivity to the MOVEMENT of the Holy Spirit is its greatest asset.
Here is a list of some of our Anointed Instructors:
Dr. Brian W. Alton
Dr. Daniel Andrews
Apostle Robin Blue
Apostle Marie Mosley
Rabbi Jack Zimmerman
Dr. Ed Delph
Dr. Iverna Thompkins
Dr. Greg Brown
Dr. Stephen Gardner
Apostle Andre Matthews
Apostle Kathy Gardner
Prophet Rob Winters
Prophet Cheryl Davis
Pastor Saeed Hosseini
Pastor Steve Sanchez
Pastor Janet Pace
Pastor Glen Bagley
Rev. Cheryl Sacks
and many more...